Universal Ultimate Predator Macro Engine

(72 customer reviews)


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All macros on our website are safe

Add up to 10 games simultaneously

Each game profile can have 24 macros , One click profile change to play another game

Download available game configuration within settings

More configurations are on the way.
Single Macro Engine for all your games

Realtime in-game shortcuts to change values

Don’t leave the game to adjust recoil control of any gun
Anything and everything can be adjusted from with in the game using shortcuts as shown in the screen shot

Pattern recorder included ( 4 methods )

you can record recoil pattern of any gun , any game very easily with our pattern recorder

Make your own configuration for any game, with and without attachments for the same gun super easy.

  1. Conventional manual pattern recording from bullet print screenshot
  2. After effects motion tracking based pattern recording
  3. In game self controlled recoil pattern recording
  4. Make pattern with RCL visual recoil editor

RCL Visual recoil Editor ( Exclusive )

You can edit recorded pattern visually
you can even create a new recoil pattern from scratch with this visual recoil editor

6 Different patterns
per single gun possible ( with individual multiplier as well to adjust with your game sensitivity )

2 more slot added with Macro engine version 8.0.0 onwards

Automatic Gun detection Maker included

3 click auto detection maker for any game , reliable and super fast autodetection

Attachment/Scope detection maker included

You can make attachment detection and Scope detection for any game with our attachment detection maker.
You record recoil pattern with different attachment and add attachment detection makes our macro engine so versatile

Lowest screen shake possible

We include a finetuner to reduce screen shake, which you cannot find anywhere else.

Quick 180 degree turn

you can set how fast you can turn and how much to turn

Crouch and Prone auto recoil adjust
( Gun specific Crouch and prone multiplier )

Crouching reduces recoil in the game so as our recoil control
Crouch detection can also be made by user with autodetection maker

Inventory Button act as HYBRID button

You hold down “TAB” to open inventory , then when you release “TAB”. It will auto close inventory.
You clicked to open inventory, it will work as normal

5 different scopes possible

you can assign different multiplier for each gun and each scope and save it for future use. ( example red-dot, 2x, 3x, 4x, 6x )

6 years of experience

Our change-log speaks itself

What you Get ?
Mechanism USed And other differnces
pROS & coNS
Ultimate No recoil Engine
Infinite looping mechanism
What you Get ?
Recoil Loader
Autodetection Maker
Adjust Recoil value and timings using shortcuts.
Mechanism USed And other differnces





pROS & coNS
Adjust Recoil value, Recoil time, accelerate value , accelerate time using shortcuts from within the game.
Multigame Support — Add up to 10 games simultaneously.
No coding knowledge.
24 no recoil macros per each game.
Easy inventory scrolling, grenade throwing, no interference with main menu, or melee weapons.
Shortcut keys to adjust everything from within the game.
2x,3x,4x,6x, red-dot scopes.
Crouch and Prone Recoil adjust
Separate hip-fire multiplier
2 types of feedback
Predator No recoil Engine
Pattern mechanism
What you Get ?
Recoil Loader
Autodetection Maker
Pattern Recorder for recording recoil Pattern of any game.
Mechanism USed And other differnces












pROS & coNS
Accurate pattern based no recoil , which can be recorded with our pattern Recorder.
Multigame Support — Add up to 10 games simultaneously.
No coding knowledge.
24 no recoil macros per each game.
Easy inventory scrolling, grenade throwing, no interference with main menu, or melee weapons.
Shortcut keys to adjust everything from within the game.
2x,3x,4x,6x, red-dot scopes.
Crouch and Prone Recoil adjust
Separate hip-fire multiplier
2 types of feedback





  • Mouse pointer accidentally clicking on tooltip fixed
  • Allowing autodetection in desktop testing mode ( For CSGO2 enable desktop testing mode for recoil control to work )


  • Crouch and Prone multipliers can be adjusted per gun per attachment basis. (6 crouch multiplier for a single gun possible)
  • crouch multiplier autoactivate based on attachments you equip


Changelog 8.5.0 predator recoil script engine

  • [ Improvement ] Configuration library – file versions
  • [ improvement ] autodetection logic 2 continuous scanning for better autodetection – useful in apex legends logic 2
  • pubg FAMAS PATTERNS added


Changelog 8.4.5 predator recoil script engine

  • [ added ] first bullet jump value changer 3rd attachment combination added
  • [ added ] Attachment and scope detection 2 methods are now possible
  • [ added ] Then same capture method of gun identification is now available to make attachment and scope autodetection also
  • [ added ] attachment detection Testing algorithm improved and TEST button will now work seamlessly
  • [ improvement ] pubg configuration updated
  • [ fix ] Minor bug fixes


Changelog 8.3.3 predator recoil script engine

  • Each gun macros download separately with autodetection modified
  • Minor Bug fixes


Changelog 8.3.1 predator recoil script engine

  • [ ADDED ] Advanced algorithm of autodetection and continuous scanning
  • [ Deprecated ] the need for Holding down “TAB” for autodetection
  • HYBRID inventory Button
  • autodetection speed improved
  • added a no-attachment multiplier if you need to adjust the gun specific recoil of no attachments equipped without changing attachment equipped state recoil
  • Minor Bug fixes


Changelog 8.2.0 predator recoil script engine

  • brought back changing fire mode of guns in the game
  • [optimized ] game synched fire mode , change number of fire modes a gun has using alt + Right and up arrow
  • [New ] Game Independent fire mode changer ( enable it in advanced settings and remove fire mode change key bind in the game )
  • [new ] all auto fire guns can have single fire <> burst fire [ risky to use ] <> auto fire
  • [new ] toggle button to turn ON/OFF game independent fire mode (toggle this ON and remove fire mode key bind from game key bind to use this feature)
  • [ improvement ] Tooltip feedback improved and will not alt tab full screen app
  • [New ] Crouch detection based on crouch icon on screen ( useful for toggle to crouch )
  • Crouch detection capture in advanced settings for any game


Changelog 8.1.0 predator recoil macro engine

  • Added Bunny Hop for all games
  • fix to make bunny hop only active inside game not while chat commenting in the game
  • Added last used gun , useful in CSGO

v8.0.0 [ major update ]

Changelog 8.0.0 predator recoil macro engine

  • major update
  • autodetection of attachments and scopes now also work with autodetection logic 2 and 3
  • improvement in passive slot algorithm, there by even if you click any of these slot , recoil control will become autoactivate soon you try scoped firing
  • Hold down “TAB” autodetection
  • Now you can easily hot drop and kill the enemy player , hold down the “TAB” and drag and drop or right click gun to equip the gun which will immediately be autodetected and assign recoil control for that gun
  • removed the need for inventory identifier for autodetection
  • massive improvement to autodetection of guns, attachments, scopes etc
  • fixed the need for gun in slot 1 to detect gun in slot 2
  • added auto removal of scopes if you remove scope in the game
  • added the feedback for number of scan cycles when you hold down “TAB”
  • Crouch multiplier adjusted as per pubg reversal data ACE32 0.84,AK47 0.84,AUG 0.84,BerylM762 0.88,DesertEagle 0.82,DP28 0.54,FNFal 0.75,G36C 0.84,HK416 0.84,L6 0.75,M16A4 0.84,M249 0.54,MG3 0.5,Mini14 0.75,Mk12 0.75,Mk14 0.75,Mk47Mutant 0.88,QBU88 0.75,QBZ95 0.84,Saiga12 0.85,SCAR-L0.84,SKS0.75,VSS 0.75,vz61Skorpion 0.85, _K2 0.84 and further adjusted based on ingame experience
  • Crouch multiplier and prone multiplier now can be adjusted with specific guns rather a single general value
  • prone multiplier adjusted based on reversal data BerylM762 0.7,DP28 0.15,M249 0.22,MG3 0.265,Mk12 0.2,Mk14 0.25,Mk47Mutant 0.7,MP5K 0.7,MP9 0.7,PP19Bizon 0.7,QBU88 0.2,Thompson 0.7,UMP 0.7,UZI 0.7,Vector 0.7, _P90 0.7 and further adjusted based on ingame experience
  • added room for one more attachment , now a single gun can have 6 different recoil patterns ( a single game can have 6×24 = 144 recoil patterns )
  • brought back user defined finetuner ( recoil smoothner ) , Not advised to go beyond 100 % even though you can adjust it beyond 100% because of significant jump in number of calculations per second there by heavy for cpu and may become unreliable if there is no room for CPU usage ( still much better than many python based recoil macros out there )
  • individual gun macro that you can download inside settings will also include gun detection for both 1080p and 1440p, attachment detections and all individula gun multipliers etc.


Changelog 7.7.0 predator recoil macro engine

  • [ New Feature ] visual recoil editor with individual node adjuster
  • [ New Feature ] in game recoil pattern recorder ( now you can record recoil pattern with in the game using your own hand movement based recoil control and adjust with multipliers which will look more legit )
  • [ Added ] separate attachment multipliers implemented
  • [ Improvement ] single gun = 4 recoil patterns ( attachment-1, attachment-2, both attachments and No attachment ) can be recorded separately and adjusted with respective attachment multipliers
  • [ Info ] Just change the attachment multiplier while attachments are equipped and active , it will auto adjust based on active attachment
  • [ Fixed ] fixed crouch multiplier not able to change while hold to crouch is using
  • [removed ] number of fire mode is not that useful after the implementation of separate rapidfire and tapfire keys
  • [ Improved ] Range of scope multiplier increased and incrementing value made small for finer adjustment
  • [improvement ] advanced settings value reading
  • [fixed ] Profile Name resetting fixed
  • User defined Finetuner ( Recoil smoothness ) brought back
  • [ Added ] Side arm Rescue rapidfire with slight recoil control added
  • [ Improvement ] Sidearm, throwables, melee, unarm etc will now repeatedly show feedback while you try to fire the gun if these are active ; as we found that some users click these keys in the muddle of match by mistake


Changelog 7.6.0 predator recoil macro engine

  • [ Added — RISKY ] Separate Rapid fire mode [ RISKY but comes in handy at times ]
  • [ Added ] All UI elements of Rapid fire mode and user configuration of Rapid fire multipliers for each and every single gun separately
  • [ Added ] individual gun recoil horizontal multiplier
  • [ added ] Scope detection
  • [ added ] Scope detection maker and other ui elements for activation and deactivation
  • [ Added ] Hold to crouch added and toggle button for hold to crouch in additional settings
  • [ Improvement ] Now you can assign Space Bar for crouching and other key binds ( Now i use hold to crouch and space bar for crouching )
  • [ Improved ] attachment detection misfiring fixed
  • [ patterns ] recoil patterns reworked
  • [ fixed ] UMP compensator detection
  • [ improvement ] Slow Tap-firing algorithm improved


Changelog 7.5.0 predator recoil macro engine

  • [ Added ] High Performance Mode which will reduce the vibration like feeling ( see Settings to enable it )
  • [ fix ] Active randomization removed as per user request
  • [ removed ] auto starting of pattern from start while holding fire button to enable high performance mode to hit that balance
  • [ remark ] Tap fire button will give good accuracy for first 20- 30 bullets , so , press this button again after few bullets instead of holding it like crazy


Changelog 7.4.1 predator recoil macro engine

  • [ Added ] Notify for duplicate keybinds
  • [ improvement ] autodetection responsiveness
  • [ fix ] autodetection not triggering while holding sprint button
  • [ improvement ] overall key responsiveness improved


Changelog 7.4.0 predator recoil macro engine

  • [ Added ] Voice packs selection , you can select the narrator feedback voice now , ( you can add voice pack into your windows and it will also be shown here to select )
  • [ improvement ]Voice change , volume change and rate change will be immediately reflected.
  • [ Improvement ]Tooltip feed back font-size change will be immediately reflected
  • [ Removed ] User defined finetune removed
  • [ Added ] Better algorithm of lossless finetune for both After effects patterns and Manual patterns, This will auto tune by intelligently analyzing the full patterns
  • [ Improvement ] screen-shake will improve with lossless intelligent auto fine tune
  • [ Added ] Tap fire feature
  • [ Added ] User defined tapfire multiplier
  • [ UI change ] UI buttons for Tap fire key selections and slot activation key binds
  • [ Improvement ] some improvement in recoil control algorithms
  • [ Added ] a very minor randomization into recoil control which will give precision more than accuracy ( which will help in hitting the moving target )


Changelog 6.1.3 predator recoil macro engine

  • Quick bug fix for weapon detection maker conflicting with new feature which got introduced with 6.1.0 update.
  • added auto fixing of configuration if at all any error in configuration.


Changelog 6.1.2 predator recoil macro engine

  • Quick enhancement for user prompting of configuration updation with this 6.1.0 update

v6.1.0 [ Major update ]

Changelog 6.1.0 predator recoil macro engine

  • some major UI changes to accommodate new features
  • Full game configuration downloader in settings updated
  • individual macro configurations of any weapon can also be downloaded into each slot separately
  • advanced config viewer for each gun
  • general config viewer of the game
  • each individual feed back settings moved into their respective selection
  • first bullet jump and initial delay can also be adjusted by user if necessary
  • Quick 180 degree turning implemented
  • User can adjust fast to turn around and how much to turn around ( instant turn around is risky be aware of it )
  • Game library updated
  • few new toggle features
  • Scan only active weapon slot toggle
  • Tooltip feedback location can be defined by user even on 2nd monitor and play the game in full screen mode
  • attachment detection feedback toggle
  • apart from inventory right click , automatic attachment detection toggle in addition settings
  • Each gun can have different attachments now
  • and each of these attachments can be made to autodetect with attachment autodetection maker
  • apply to all guns button to quickly add attachment detection to all guns if most attachments are the same (like for example PUBG – compensator)
  • Attachment detection test button enabled
  • attachment feedback will only be given if there is a change in attachments than previous detection
  • auto toggle of few toggle buttons [ enhancement of UI ]
  • all previous users will get auto upgraded by giving appropriate prompt messages


Changelog 5.9.3 predator recoil macro engine


  • Tooltip feedback custom location can be set by user from advanced setting >> additional settings
  • Tooltip feedback can be set to 2nd monitor and play the game in fullscreen mode with tooltip feedback

Changelog 5.9.2 predator recoil macro engine

  • Some minor changes
  • added necessary help documentation links directly in application
  • User prompting messages added
  • How to documetnations added


Changelog 5.9.0 predator recoil macro engine

  • Backup – restore cloud solution


Changelog 5.8.0 predator recoil macro engine

  • New method of pattern recording with after effects motion tracking.
  • Inventory identifier
  • any value can be changed with ctrl + up /down
  • swapper –. ctrl + right / left
  • attachment detection maker ( experimental )
  • removed some non used keys
  • many more experimental features added
  • prompting with appropriate messages added


Changelog 5.7.1 predator recoil macro engine

  • narrator unnecassary queing removed
  • now users can easily do configuration with narrator feedback
  • overall efficiency improved with narration


Changelog 5.7.0 predator recoil macro engine

  • ~ tooltip and narrator intermixing completetly separated
  • ~ Fullscreen mode autodetection ( experimental ; working fine with me , use narrator feedback )
  • ~ shortcutkey for hint can be set by user from settings
  • ~ ctrl+backspace will always be there for showing hint
  • ~ Hint wont be shown in narrator feedback so remember the shortcuts pls
  • ~ Now works very well with game in fullscreen mode rather than borderless window (for that set narrator feedback)


Changelog 5.6.0 predator recoil macro engine

  • ~ Implementation of RCL gam downloader
  • ~ Downloads game configs from settings
  • ~ Implemented new game config library from which users can download game configurations
  • ~ New UI for RCL Game downloader


Changelog 5.5.0 predator recoil macro engine

  • ~ Toggle Horizontal recoil control ON/OFF for this game of the game using Ctrl + Alt + Home ( E.g. For PUBG horizontal recoil control can be turned off as its completely randomized )


Changelog 5.4.9 predator recoil macro engine

  • ~ Small bug fix in speech volume and speech rate ( your windows must have text to speech – usual windows installation has this prebuilt unless you remove it ; if not choose tooltip feedback )
  • ~ some bug fix in additional settings


Changelog 5.4.7 predator recoil macro engine

  • ~ Added scope change with numpad keys (see advanced settings/additional settings )
  • ~ Additional left ctrl for crouch (see advanced settings/additional settings )
  • ~ UI worked for new settings
  • ~ Easy toggle ON/OFF for new settings
  • ~ cycle scope with middle button double click toggle ON/OFF
  • ~ Quick reddot with double click right mouse toggle ON/OFF


Changelog 5.3.7 predator recoil macro engine

  • ~ fixed stance issue when changing from crouch to prone and prone to crouch


Changelog 5.3.5 predator recoil macro engine

  • finetune mechanism improved, through this user can reduce screen shake of pattern macro.
  • predator exclusive fine tuning mechanism there by intelligently finding inbtw nodal points thus for a 30 bullet pattern can have 100+ nodal points and greatly reduce screen shake
  • 0 . fixed autoupdater not prompting for update for some users ( pls download this update from website itself )
  • 1 . reworked the crouch and prone recoil mechanism
  • 2 . Reworked the saving mechanism ( don’t forget to click ctrl + enter to save everything )
  • 3 . removed the crowch detection and made it based on key press with a better efficiant manner
  • 4 . Bug fix to saving of last edited value not saving properly
  • 5 . changed the UI of advanced editor to remove the crouch button for capturing crouch image as it is no longer neaded
  • 6 . Double speaking of weapon name is fixed when selecting narrator feedback
  • 7 . some other small bug fixes
  • 8 . Security patch update
  • 9 . changes to key hint on backspace


Changelog 5.2.5 predator recoil macro engine

  • 1 . removed active randomization as per user request, we also think it is very unnecessary
  •  2. minor bug fixes
  • 3.routine security patch change


Changelog 5.2.3 predator recoil macro engine

  • 1 . quick fix to the bug introduced with version 5.2.0
  • 2 . quick fix — recoil value stuck at a constant value for weapon 2 
  • 3 . quick fix — recoil accelerate value stuck at a constant value  weapon 2 (thanks to rj6)
  • 4.quick fix — to value not saving , when autodetection logic 2 or 3 


Changelog 5.2.0 predator recoil macro engine

  • 1 . added a delay before it start triggering autodetection, as our autodetection was blazing fast that it even try to finish even before the game changes image on screen Loooolllllllll. (may be in future we will allow user to adjust this delay as well )


Changelog 5.2.0 predator recoil macro engine

  • 1 . No need to click Enter to save as it will now automatically save as soon as you change the value
  • 2 . Fix — hipfire bug
  • 3 . Fix — weapon2 – recoil time null value
  • 4 . users can assign combination key shortcuts now in settings
  • 5 . Now number of cycle after which recoil control stop even if you didn’t release left mouse button doesn’t require rapid-fire enabled, it will work in any case.
  • 6 . fix — double speaking of weapon names when it was not required ( narrator feedback )


Changelog 5.1.1 predator recoil macro engine

  • 1 . This is ground breaking update with lot of changes.
  • 2 . Overall code structure of mechanism changed , you will get prompt to migrate all your old saved settings to new one. just click on migrate and wait for some time for it to finish. after migrating pls test it properly. You will be able to use previous version as well without any problem as the migration process wont delete old data.
  • 3 . The function of start button modified to give better seamless experience
  • 4 . new 3 autodetection logic implemented . Now members can choose which logic to be used for autodetection. See documentation here https://www.recoilmacro.com/docs-category/autodetection-maker/
  • 5 . New testing of captured image detection button
  • 6 . remove weapon in hand if no weapon detected, this can be toggled on and off from advanced settings.
  • 7.Show and hide weapon scan area
  • 8 . click through weapon scan area.
  • 9 . show scan area as well while testing if autodetection is working or not.
  • 10.capture weapon while scan area is visible without any problem.
  • 11 . added new number of fire mode changer , now our members can decide the number of fire modes a gun have .
  • 12 . improved the autodetection of weapons by great extend.
  • 13 . new user interface for autodetection maker.
  • 14 . as pubg pc lite is discontinued by developers , users can now change all the game names from profile.
  • 15 . Panic exit shortcut will now work flawlessly. Nobody will notice a thing if you press this button . the application will just exit without anyone noticing.
  • 16 . be aware of pause button. if you click pause the whole recoil control will get paused. Default “Delete” 
  • 17.It is like a completely new recoil engine as everything is created from scratch with different structure.
  • users can assign combination key shortcuts now

not released to public

version 3.0.0 to version 5.0.0 is not released to public as there was some ground breaking changes and needed extensive testing. The whole structure of the recoil engine changed. You will get prompt to migrate all your old saved settings to new version just click migrate and wait. It will take some time.


Changelog 2.9.1 predator recoil macro engine

  • ;~ 1. Weapon detection mechanism has improved
  • ;~ 2. New user defined scan area is implemented for autodetection. (smaller the scan area faster the detection)
  • ;~ 3.Now users can not only set x,y position to start scanning but also the area of scanning , previously width was 150 and height was 50 . Now users can decide.
  • ;~ 4.click and drag method to set scan area for autodetection 
  • ;~ 5. minor bug fixes
  • ;~ 6. routine security patch change


Changelog 2.8.1 predator recoil macro engine

  • ;~ 1. changed scope multiplier limits as per users request
  • ;~ 2. limits are set 1-10 for any scopes so that each scope can be set by users to their liking
  • ;~ 3. minor bug fixes
  • ;~ 4. routine security patch change


Changelog 2.7.1 predator recoil macro engine

  • ;~ 1. Added option for negative recoil as some games have recoil in opposit direction
  • ;~ 2. added option of decelarating recoil every set time interval [ set -ve value ]
  • ;~ 3. added number of cycles after which recoil control will stop even if you hold fire button [ require rapid fire on ] ( some games has no recoil after 15 to 20 bullets — this can be used for such scenarios)
  • ;~ 4. Added shortcut keys for changing number of cycles after which it stop
  • ;~ 5. changed the feedbacks for increase/ decrease
  • ;~ 6. Added feedback for unarm, sidarm, melee, grenade , 2nd throwables
  • ;~ 7. changed some internal settings
  • ;~ 7. minor bug fixes
  • ;~ 8. routine security patch change
  • ;~ 9. added hints for new features as well


Changelog 2.6.1 predator recoil macro engine

  • ;~ 1. fixed exception error for some users
  • ;~ 2. removed autodetection deprecated parts, to reduce the code length
  • ;~ 3. added dummy autodetection for all 10 game profiles
  • ;~ 4. slightly changed the timing of autodetection
  • ;~ 5. changed default crouch multiplier to 0.8
  • ;~ 6. changed reset everything button functionality, when starting a new game as to reload everything rather than previous removing technique
  • ;~ 7. minor bug fixes
  • ;~ 8. routine security check 


Changelog 2.5.1 predator recoil macro engine

  • ;~ 1. fixed automatic updating not happening for some users ( if you didn’t got auto update then pls download from website itself )
  • ;~ 2. fixed scoped firing of weopon8 , weapon16, weapon20 , weapon21
  • ;~ 3. changed 3 fire mode guns, and its UI modified to make it more easy
  • ;~ 4. Added 3 fire mode for one more weapon ( vector in case of pubg pc lite)
  • ;~ 5. fixed weapon 8 (micro uzi ) and weapon 22 (sks) swapped by mistake, and whose key binds were showing on other side. Now its fixed to show correctly and fixed autodetection of weapon 22 .. this was creating confusion for users, and its fixed
  • ;~ 6. fixed qbu and mutant slot swapped over by mistake , now it will show correctly
  • ;~ 7. fixed Ctrl + f8 and Ctrl + f2 not working properly
  • ;~ 8. changed default key binds , so that it will show in order
  • ;~ 9. added font size also for default key binds
  • ;~ 10. fixed bugs as per user report
  • ;~ 11. routine security patch update


Changelog 2.4.0 predator recoil macro engine

  • ;~ 1. increased recoil time range from 100 millisecond to 5 second
  • ;~ 2. changed lowest recoil time from 0 to 2.5ms , reducing beyond 2.5 is counterproductive
  • ;~ 3. Now you can make slow tapfiring of semi auto rifles by increasing recoil time
  • ;~ 4. fixed weapon location of pubg pc lite, for autodetection ( this wont take effect by itself if you are updating from prevoius version ,
  • ;~ 5. routine security patch update
  • ;~ 6. Checked compatibabilty


Changelog 2.3.0 predator recoil macro engine

  • ;~  Released all new autodetection maker for any game
  • ;~  with simple 3 clicks users can make autodetction of weapons possible in any game
  • ;~  Added user interface for rcl autodetection maker
  • ;~  Added a method to show your own gun names in the autodetection maker
  • ;~ Added one click screen capture , and convert image into code using advanced algorithm
  • ;~  So that it is no longer use conventional image matching which require cpu resources
  • ;~ Autodetection with better performance and lowest cpu usage ( tested and it recorded less than 0.1 % )
  • ;~  this makes it the best autodetection algorithm which doesnt even cost you a single FPS unlike other macros with autodetection useally cost you 2-10 fps drop
  • ;~ Added a scan area to be defined by user with a width of 150px and height of 50 px
  • ;~  this will make autodetection blazing fast , superior performance and best efficiancy at NO FPS DROP
  • ;~  Added font size setting for tooltip feed back setting. you can now change tooltip font size from settings
  • ;~  Routine security patch release
  • ;~  Routine updates checking comaptibility


Changelog 2.2.5 predator recoil macro engine

  • Added user adjustment for crouch multiplier ( use Alt+ pageup/pagedown )
    • different games have different  crouch multilplier value and in pubg it is changing even with sensitivity , this was causing some issues for users when crouching and firing , this update fixes it So now user can decide how much it should control recoil while crouching by adjusting crouch multiplier
  • Added user adjustment for prone multiplier ( use Ctrl + Alt + pageup/pagedown)
  • Added these settings to hint as well
  • Now save key will also be shown in hint

v2.0.0 [ Initial release ]

Changelog 2.0.0 predator recoil macro engine

  • created a new pattern recorder beta with which users can record pattern of any game.
  • added support for attachments like compensator and vertical grip
  • thus a single weapon can have 4 different recoil pattern
  • All the features of premium recoil macro v4.1.3 included
  • Added 10 game Slots with 24 weapons each. Add your own games into it, add your games weapon names into it. So basically this enables user to add their own games and configure recoil macro for each weapons of their game, these weapon names will be shown when you equip each weapons in game as feedback as well.
  • adjust each scope for each weapon pretty easily
  • Added shortcut keys to adjust recoil and other settings , So that user don’t have to leave game to adjust recoil value or other settings. Adjust using shortcut keys and then save it , So that next time you load the game , it will be your saved settings loaded.
  • Hip fire separated from original recoil. So Scoped recoil will be different from hip firing. for example you have m416 with 6x scope and you are firing a distant enemy target, suddenly an enemy showed up just behind you , So you turn around and start firing the enemy without scoping. If 6x recoil is active your recoil control will throw you aim away. but with rcl recoil control that wont happen. There as reduced recoil activated for hip firing, for each weapon. You can adjust this by adjusting hip fire multiplier. So that hip fire recoil control is always less than scoped recoil control. Even you can completely reduce hip fire recoil control to zero , So that there wont be any recoil control for hip firing.
  • Grenade throwing , inventory scrolling , map marking , melee weapon , main menu , body looting with mouse –> for all this action recoil control won’t interfere. So that you don’t have to deactivate and activate recoil recoil control again. Unlike other macros out there , All this will be automatic , So you won’t even Notice.
  • automatic detection maker. So that you can add your own automatic detection with simple 2 or 3 clicks. [ this is under testing and will be released soon ]. { So basically this enables user to use this recoil macro with any game they play including automatic weapon detection, for any resolution , and for any screen type )
  • Crouch and Prone recoil change. [ most games recoil changes with stance of the player , So we have also added the same into the recoil macro so that with change in the stance recoil control will also change ]
  • Narrator and Tooltip feedback. This will help you to understand which recoil control is active at the moment. every time you switch weapon it will show weapon names on screen or it will speak the weapon name loudly depending on whether you chose narrator or Tooltip [ Tooltip –> show on desktop , Narrator –> speaks out loud ]
  • Rapid fire –> it can click up to 70times per second., you can use snipers as auto fire gun if you want, we wouldn’t recommend doing it though 
  • Api based updating system , So that updates will be automatically downloaded without you login into the website, This helps security of your game account to not get banned. We frequently release updates and security patches [ usually weekly updates will be given ]
  • initial release

Specification: Universal Ultimate Predator Macro Engine

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72 reviews for Universal Ultimate Predator Macro Engine

4.8 out of 5
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  1. Elvin Mat

    Very good macro
    making autodetection was so easy with this macro.
    i can now use this for ring of elysium with automatic gun detection.
    it easy to create macro for any gun , unlike the other macro i tried before need to go back and forth between game and macro settings to set macro. but this one has shortcut keys to adjust everything , so everything can be adjusted within the game.
    This is the macro all you need for any game.

    i personally use it with pubg lite and ring of elysium

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  2. Elvin Mat

    i just wanted to upload some photos after adding ring of elysium into this recoil engine.
    to my surprise actually, this is far far better recoil macro than anything i have tried before.
    I don’t have to do anything in the game to make this recoil engine to work , just start the macro and voila
    no more recoil . everything gets adjusted based on the game situation automatically…
    i am falling in love with this macro ,
    thankyou guyzz its been amazing

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  3. Daniel

    Good service.

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  4. John

    Good quality.

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  5. Liam

    Very well worth the money.

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  6. Jackson

    Good service.

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  7. William

    better than expected.

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  8. Jackson

    Very well worth the money.

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  9. Albert Moore

    best recoil macro i have ever used. The name ultimate is best suited for this macro. Its worth every penny. I am using Logitech mouse. i was using Logitech macro before this one. I bought this recoil macro as the flow of the game is interrupted occasionally by Logitech recoil macro, I expected this macro would give better game flow but i never expected this recoil macro would outperform my Logitech recoil macro. To my surprise the ultimate recoil macro is far better than my Logitech inbuilt recoil macro. better control, better accuracy, better flow of the game, don’t have to press many keys to activate or deactivate as there is automatic weapon detection. OVERALL BEST RECOIL MACRO OUT THERE IN THE INTERNET thankyou guyz for this amazing macro software

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  10. Becker

    1st i doubted your software , if i bought it by thinking giving away few penny. But once i got the download , its actually increadible. If anybody doubt its 100% legit and works pretty well. I got few squad wipes with th assist of this macro. its 100% worth it. thank you

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  11. Mason

    Good quality.

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  12. Zohar

    Good service.

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  13. Patrick

    Very well worth the money.

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  14. Max

    Good service.

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  15. Nathaniel


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  16. Edward

    Good quality.

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  17. Cyamus Felissimus

    best recoil macro i have ever used.this recoil macro is far better than my Logitech recoil macro. better control than it. everything happens automatically thankyou for this amazing macro software

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  18. Gijsbert Kamst

    better than expected i am playing apex legends and pubg lite. i can save both game into this. no more multiple macro for multiple games Single multigame macro for all the games. i would suggest everybody to understand how macro works with desktop testing mode then try to configure in games. that makes a huge differnece. much much better than i expected

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  19. Nolan

    Good service.

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  20. Ryder

    Good quality.

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  21. Fábio Emanuel Lozano Neto

    Estou animado com a nova macro múltipla. Como sou proprietário da macro rcl premium, ela foi muito boa. eu tenho muitas vitórias com ele. Meu mousepad é pequeno, então me ajuda no controle de recuo. Vou escrever um comentário para este após o teste. mas estou querendo escrever um comentário agora porque a outra macro que comprei era fantástica

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  22. Sggzg Dhshhd

    It would have been better if it shows enemy location.there is no enemy location, there is no item location.

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  23. Nathaniel

    Good service.

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  24. Rene French

    great macro .100% satisfied

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  25. Owen

    Good service.

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  26. Sebastián García

    Obtuve el 50% de descuento durante la oferta de lanzamiento para la tarifa de registro. Es asombroso. mi amigo recomendó este sitio web en lugar de macro costosos. Por lo que puedo decir, esta macro tiene más funciones y mejor control que la costosa macro, compré. Lo dudé al principio, pero después de ejecutarlo, fue muy, muy bueno. mejor precio y mucho mejor macro

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  27. Meraztingle

    It was confusing at first, but after seeing the tutorial video many times I was able to configure it properly.I think I will extend it next month

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  28. Popipiuanze

    Good macro and good price

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  29. Juliet Mond

    Wonderful. Only useful macro on the internet. I am sending it to some pals ans also sharing it.
    And of course, thank you on your efforts

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  30. Bernard birk

    It’s the best macro period. I want to join your affiliate program. How can I join affiliate program ?

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  31. minethe_killer

    best in class. the new update was so quick. i love it. thnk

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  32. Shroud_killboy

    I really needed that stop recoil control after some milliseconds. Thanks for adding it. New update was indeed very fast. Very good macro . RECOMMEND IT👍

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  33. rj6

    LA FORMA DE CREAR LA AUTODETECCION DE ARMAS ES RAPIDA ES BUENICIMA EL Universal Recoil definitivo para todos los juegos

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  34. yrdyu

    super simple to create autodetection. i bought lifetime package , and its worth it fully satisfied

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  35. yrdyu adh

    i like the super simple autodetection creation.
    i am fully satisfied with the purchase
    i bought lifetime package

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  36. Kaliappa

    very good recoil macro.
    it would be better if you add fastloot option

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  37. rjerico6


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  38. freddy rojas

    buen macro tiene todo lo que necesito 10 de 10

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  39. maina tulgapilu

    feature rich macro

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  40. Rodrigo Nuno

    Only One word amazing future proof macro

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    • rclsys


      thank you for the feedback

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  41. Caleb Cross

    very good recoil macro

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  42. James Davis

    At first it was very confusing , but after going through the tutorial multiple times i was a able to set it up. It was fairly easy to set up than i expected. i made the mistake of skipping steps ended up spending even more time.

    Overall a great no recoil macro

    # what i like
    1. Universal , worked with all the game i tested
    2. Super easy autodetection maker
    3. I can forget about the macro running behind and fully focus on the game.
    4. Price is very low considering the features it offers

    # What i Don’t like
    1. Only 24 recoil macros per game.
    2. if i take a sniper like kar98, autodetection says previously active weapon, and i have to press ctrl alt f1 to remove previously active weapon.

    # Final verdict
    Best macro so far i have tested.
    If remember i have spent 5 times the price of this macro on various other sh*** macros overall. Now i can say i will never have to spend a penny more as this is working with all the games.

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    • rclsys


      thank you for detailed review

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  43. CrazyAniket#8274

    Bro 1500rs mein de sakte ho kya Please

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  44. Lucas

    Very well worth the money.

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    • rclsys


      thank you for the feedback

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  45. Tom Wood

    Any game weapon autodetection
    Any game recoil macro 🥰🥰

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    • rclsys


      thank you for your review
      sounds super great

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  46. Charles

    Very good macro and service.

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  47. Dominique Huber

    Fast Download with autoupdate feature; this is increadible

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  48. Jorge

    Super Easy to Use Recoil macro. plug and play got few squad wipes with it thank you rcl

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  49. Jusper Santocildes

    Very Good Macro tool

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    • rclsys


      thank you for your feedback

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  50. Avery

    Very well worth the money.

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  51. Ian

    super cool autodetection maker have used many macros but none of them provide autodetection maker like this i tested this on desktop also ; pretty intelligent

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  52. Andreas

    Very well worth the money.

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  53. Max

    Instant Download

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  54. Reymond Urot

    not working in pubg emulator please help

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    • rclsys


      Hi there,
      you bought RCLPredator macro
      It is clearly written in the description that for Emulators RCLultimate is best suited and predator macro cant be made to use for emulators as recording pattern is difficult in emulators due to bullet prints fading out quickly.
      Contact us through support@recoilmacro.com to arrange necessary resolution or refund
      we have already sent you an email. kindly reply to it.
      for emulators use RCL ULtimate infinite loop mechanism

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  55. hersomjames

    had a bug when i was messing around support helped me fix it and it helps in games quite a bit

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    • rclsys


      Thank you for the feedback
      The program is updated promptly
      Pls follow the tutorial step by step https://www.recoilmacro.com/docs/
      use fine tuning to reduce screen shake ( i recommend value 50 or 70 ) ; after changing finetuning you may also need to change weapon specific sensitivity.

      feel free to contact us for any queries

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  56. Phoenix

    Instant Download

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  57. Tyler

    Good service.

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  58. Leo

    Very well worth the money.

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  59. Ty

    Good service.support is great and i am fully satisfied with macro

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  60. David

    Very good macro and service.

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  61. Owen

    Very good macro and service.

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  62. Kaden Arabic

    Good service.

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  63. Elisa Leach

    super cool autodetection maker have used many macros but none of them provide autodetection maker like this i tested this on desktop also ; pretty intelligent

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  64. Isa Ibrahim

    i first bough pubg recoil macro
    then i bought this universal recoil macro
    universal macro has mch more features than pubg
    worth every penny.
    a complete macro for me = pattern recorder + autodetection maker

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    Very good quality service, owner was patient enough to help thru the difficulties!

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  66. sniepr2343

    Thank you for the Predator program. It is an excellent program, very smart, very safe. Thank you for the continuous update, the Predator program Thank you very much

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  67. SNR

    season 16-17-18 I bought all of them. All of them are easy to use and super with thin parts. But the Predator motor is better than all the ones I have used, I definitely recommend it, I bought it for life, I am very satisfied

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  68. aargo Man

    incredible recoil script i have ever used

    + PROS: cheap compared to others. best control. pattern changes with attachments automatically.
    - CONS: none
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  69. Anonymous

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  70. Anonymous

    Very self reliant easy to use very good tutorials and guides. Clean files and simple to use highly recommended. Although did realize people that do struggle this would be great for them I thought I needed it I don’t but hey the machine guns it’s very useful for in pubg

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  71. Anonymous

    prolly the best/safe macros to use hands down no matter what the package is your getting works perfectly and straight to the point for using it. will be getting lifetime packager after this one.

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  72. Anonymous

    Game : Fallen Survival
    Good but finicky. Takes a while to get used to using, still no real problems with it other than hand drawn recoil pattern that doesnt work entirely. Would love it if they got a new youtube channel up aswell. Great for misc. games that have difficult recoil. Would recommend.

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    Universal Ultimate Predator Macro Engine
    Universal Ultimate Predator Macro Engine


    RCLMacro Engine | Autodetection maker
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